
Monday, March 5, 2012


Youth Outreach

The Ultimate Challenge

At our youth outreach we entered into several challenges each with its reward. When the youth saw that a prize was attainable, they all started to strategize how they would win. They focused on the prize.

  "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."  1Cor. 9:24

Nothing is out of reach when you put your heart and trust in God. While many of us run this race of life to prove we are the best, little do we realize that if we put God first, things can and will work out for the best. Think about it. Who sets the boundaries and limits in your life? We tend to define ourselves; establish our own boundaries. With God, there are no boundaries, only greatness. We shared with the youth that in everything they do, to include God and to do their best. We also shared that when they include God in everything, they will not run this race alone. Most importantly, with Christ we are already victorious!

 Selah Junior

Making Strives

One of the challenges we face is that our kids are immersed in the gypsy language. The chances of them losing their progress in Romanian and the basics we have been learning are high during school breaks and absences. While there is not much we can do about that we are happy to share that these have not affected them one bit. As we meet the kids after each weekend or break they are all excited to see us and eager to return to their school routine.

We are currently entering the reading zone with our kids and it is really exciting to see them learn and make strives to reading. Every word we say the kids try and spell while every word we read is broken down till they see the connections and are able to read the word themselves. Every day brings a new thing learned and new discoveries to make. While it is hard work for the kids I find that they are up for the challenge and capable of so much more.

We look forward to the months ahead with expectation and know that this is going to be an amazing 2012.

Thanks to everyone that make our youth outreaches and school program a success because of your prayers and support. God bless you!!

In Christ,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy New Year!


Two weeks have already come and gone in 2012. Where does the time go? I can not complain how time is going since the work here in Romania is my greatest joy.

This past year, 2011, was full of changes and full of fun. It was my greatest privilege to take 20 kids to school for the first time ever in all their families. I am happy to announce that they are all doing so great. 5 of our kids are at the top of their class while the rest are progressing at great speeds.

I am looking forward to this next year and all that God has planned for us all. We are expecting a small building to be built for us very soon. I can't wait for our own place.
Thank you from all of us for all you do!
Great things are ahead with the youth for 2012. We are growing in many levels and it is amazing how God is moving in each one of us. Each month we have an outreach planned at one of our local high schools. Outreaches at gypsy villages, youth retreats, we are creating our own prom night, and the long awaited youth camp.

I want to thank you once again for your partnership and prayers. This work would not be possible without you.

We are praying that this year will be filled with God's best.

In Christ,