
Monday, July 25, 2011

Our Favorite Season

            Summer vacation officially started on June 15 for all the youth and kids in Romania; that was the last day of school. Our kindergarten students are ready for the 1st grade and ready for the summer fun to begin. From our youth group eight passed to the next school grade (Mada, Rich, Smeranda, and Cuta- 11th grade; Silvia and Adry – 10th grade; Josh – 9th ; Leo – 8th grade; Nath -7th) they are a more than excited that summer has started. The other half of our group works odd jobs or help around the house.
If you were to ask any of these youth what are summer plans are as a group they would all say YOUTH CAMP! This is the one event that all the youth look forward to all year round. It is the one event that everyone talks about with the greatest memories. The best part of going to camp is meeting new friends, hearing great studies from the Word, and being away from home with our youth group. So you can imagine that every youth member wants to go to youth camp. Going to camp, however, is a problem for most of our youth. They just don’t have the extra money to attend. Those youth that work bring in what little money they make and give to their families and it is very difficult for them to save money. The others go to school and are not able to work to save money. So, now that summer has started several are looking for ways to raise money for camp.
Besides camp preparations we have daily meetings. We meet Monday through Friday for social activities, bible study, prayer, Petelea outreach and youth nights. Now that half of our youth are out of school we are able to meet earlier in the day for activities and meetings and spend more time together. We are also able to plan more outreaches and share the love of Jesus with the people in villages or in the parks. Two of our youth were on a mission trip to the Ukraine and were excited to be apart of another youth camp.
After youth camp in July, several youth members will be helping with 3 children camps. This is also an exciting time for us. We have the chance to share the love of Christ with all these precious kids during each 5 day camp.
Overall, summer is our favorite season full of activities and fellowship we cherish. These youth are a young generation who are looking all the time for a place to belong and to be a part of something special and we want to help them have that and never let it go.